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Site Stuff: Our new year’s resolutions! ☕


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ANAHEIM, Calif. -- New years' resolutions tend to expire, oh, right about at this stage of every January, right?

Well, not these. These ones really, really, really will hold true. We think.

We asked everyone at to share their own resolutions, as they relate to this company -- the idea of my wife Dali -- and we'll list the results below.

DK: I'd love to find a way to fully commit to a truly regular Grind column. You know, the ones with the bullets. I've seen that they're broadly read, and that's appreciated. The trouble, as with most stuff, is finding time, but it's also about not sacrificing quality on bigger-scope concepts. Still, it'd be worth the effort.

Dale Lolley: I'd like to write more human interest stories in 2019 rather than reporting the latest scandal involving the Steelers. Of course, they'll have to play along for that to happen. There are a lot of stories there. If the team would quit creating so much news, I'd have time to tell them.

Chris Bradford: In 2019, my resolution is to step outside the bubble more often. Covering a beat, there’s a tendency to put on blinders and focus solely on what’s in front of you. Hockey is more than shots for and shots against, it’s about people and their stories. So, I resolve to do more stories that don’t have the word “Report” followed by a colon. Also, remember to go to the gym!

John Perrotto: My resolution is to cover the Pirates comprehensively with plenty of insight and perspective while also doing more “people” stories than most journalists covering baseball today. I realize this is the age of analytics. I respect the numbers and will use them to add context. However, I still believe many fans want to know about the personalities of the players, coaches and managers, and what motivates them. For me, those are the most interesting and fun stories to write.

Matt Sunday: In 2018, I spent more time writing than I ever have as a photographer. In 2019, I want to put time into more types of visual art to complement the photography and writing I do for the site. Drawing, vector work ... whatever it is, I just want to make 2019 another year I grow as a visual journalist in more ways than photography.

Taylor Haase: My resolution is to write more features on the NHL Penguins this year. I also plan on writing more primers explaining different facets of the game: advanced stats, the trade deadline, free agency, everything. I'd love to create a catalogue of those features and have them listed somewhere on the site, or linked to when needed in other stories. Sleep would also be nice.

Hunter Homistek: For 2019, I want to find my footing with a regular feature. As DK mentioned above, the balance to find time and energy for something like that while also maintaining focus on other areas is tricky. But it's not impossible. I appreciate everyone who read, commented on, and shared my Prowl, and I want to deliver something similar in 2019. The city of Pittsburgh and its fans bring so much to the table. I want to help present it in a way that's fun and engaging for readers.

Chris Carter: My resolution is to get better at catchy headlines! Dejan always has to replace mine because they’re so clunky and long. Then he looks at it for 10 seconds and comes up one that seems so obvious, but I couldn’t put it together.

Chris Benson: My resolution for the 2019 is trying to sleep a semi-normal, routine sleep schedule.  Often times when I don't get enough sleep, *yawn* I am less focused and even have trouble finishing my senten-- zzzzZZZZ

Matt Grubba: Full disclosure: I've never made a resolution. Ever. So I had to think about this. But even though I was as bummed as anyone to find out I wouldn't be covering the best sport just as the basketball season is heating up, my goal in the new year is to keep an open mind about whatever new coverage opportunities my change in roles will bring up — probably some awesome things I haven't even thought of at this point! As they say, when a door shuts, a window opens.

David Golebiewski: I would like to make my stats column even more reader-driven, and to demystify “sports analytics.” New-age stats are just a way to enhance our understanding and enjoyment of the games we all love.

Matt Welch: Even as a contributor, my goal for 2019 as it pertains to this site is to finding my own way to tell whatever story comes across my path while presenting the information the reader needs to know — and maybe some they didn't know they needed to know. As a journalist, in general, my goal each year is to improve my writing skills, to continue developing reliable sources, and to think less about being first and more about presenting the information the best and fullest way possible.

Jarrod Prugar: My goal is to provide the best coverage possible from Altoona and whatever city I happen to be in. Everybody knows what the Pirates are doing, it's my job to let the readers know who's going to be the next in a Pittsburgh uniform. And most importantly, continuing to grow as a writer and do whatever is necessary to help the site continue to grow and be the best out there.

Rob Ullman: My resolution in 2019 is to spend more time driving and learning, and less time on social media nonsense. I plan to build on the success of the Cartoon Canon book and keep creating great art for DKPS, looking to come up with more deep dives into the city’s sports history, including our female athletes, who have definitely gone under-represented in the strip thus far. I’d also like to get another issue of my Old-Timey Hockey Tales comic book to the printer before the year is out.

Bob Maddamma: My resolution is to make sure the site has the cleanest copy in the industry. Every. Single. Day. Our amazing subscribers deserve nothing less than the best possible reading experience. I promise to miss one here and there, though, so that I can stay in touch with our incredibly astute typos email cohort. Also, I resolve to come to terms with AP Style’s ambiguous position on the Oxford comma.

Dali Kovacevic: My resolution professionally and in life has been the same for the past two decades -- delegate.  And just like joining the gym, THIS WILL be the year I make it happen! I also want to find a way for our staff to relax and have fun together. This profession, and especially this group, works around the clock. We need to have more fun around here! I am making the assembly of a DKPS band my resolution; you would not believe how many of these guys play instruments. They used to have a life before they got into journalism!


Our longstanding friends at, the country's preeminent home for college sports coverage, reached out to extend an offer to all our current subscribers: Six free months to any site on their network. That's a $50 value, given that their annual subscriptions are $99.95.

Just go to their sign-up page, and apply the following code: DKRivals6FREE 

I've actually been a subscriber myself for years -- to Chris Peak's, specifically -- and I can attest to its extraordinary value for the scope of what's there. It's for people who flat-out can't get enough.

In this case, the offer is open to our subscribers for any of their sites, not just those for Pitt, Penn State and West Virginia. Which means that all of our subscribers can benefit, not just those for the schools we were previously following ourselves.

Thanks so much to these folks for doing this.


• Both the Apple and Android updates are out. And by that, I mean the updates of the updates. We've had virtually no complaints since these went out, which, to be honest, is kind of weirding us out. If you've updated and have any issues, please these to us:

Here's where to get your app:

itunes googleplay

• A few of you Apple users have mentioned not having videos play. The cause of that, as a couple of our readers pointed out to us, is having your device in power-save mode. That one's not on us. That's on a change Apple made. So, basically, just make sure your device has adequate power and don't use power-save mode!

• Because of the travel out here, I haven't had a chance to add standings, statistics, rosters and the like to the menu. Maybe Sunday, when I've got a free day in L.A. Some readers asked for these, and I'll get to them.

• Some readers also asked for a return of notifications of comment replies. This is trickier, to say the least. This commenting system is an outside entity we don't really control, so any customization involves ... ugh, a lot. But I'll inquire.


• Our daily active app users, averaged out over the past month, are at 12,959. That's +479 over the previous week, which sounds awesome, but it's much more of an indicator that all the Steelers news moved some people to using their app when they hadn't in a while. It'll probably drop a good bit by month's end. The goal with this figure is always about a steady, gradual increase — first, to 15,000, a number we've never achieved.

• Our daily page views, averaged out over the past month, are at 80,863. That's +635 over the same rolling figure from a week ago. The goal with this figure is always about a steady, gradual increase, first to 100,000, a number we've achieved only during Stanley Cup runs.

• Our most-hit article of the past week -- exempting live files -- was last week's Friday Insider, led by Dale's exclusive reporting on Mike Tomlin's relationship with his coordinators, at 10,133. The Penguins accounted for 117,846 of our page views, the Steelers 78,994, the Pirates 50,291. Our baseball content, with John Perrotto reporting from Bradenton, was a big winner this week with a consistent readership in the range of 3,000-plus for every piece and huge participation in his Live Qs once it was done.

• We're at 29,368 (+10) page likes on Facebook, we're at 29,613 (+124) followers on Twitter, and we're at 9,365 (+93) followers on Instagram. These figures are just for our official company account on each platform, not for us as individuals.

• Get our free newsletter with a simple signup! We send out a new one Monday-Friday at 7 a.m.

• We make mistakes. If you see one, email

• This is our media kit. If you're interested in connecting with our large, passionate following, email my wife at

• Anything you need, including lost/forgotten passwords, email us: -- DK

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