RICHMOND, Va. -- Most of the time, when Honus Wagner’s name is mentioned, it involves the famous, rarer-than-rare “T206” baseball card that bears his likeness, and that’s a shame. He was a phenomenal all-around player, among the greatest shortstops — heck, players — of all time, and every bit a pillar of the early game as Ty Cobb, Cy Young and Babe Ruth. We are lucky to have him.
I wanted to take a minute to observe the passing of Mark Okkonen last week at age 85. He wrote several books about baseball, most notably (to me, anyway) 1991’s Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century, an exhaustive guide to historical uniforms that led to the Baseball Hall of Fame’s excellent, essential 'Dressed to the Nines' database, which traces MLB uniforms all the way back to 1900. Eagle-eyed readers will spot my small tribute in this week’s cartoon, the very least I could do for a man whose research and thoroughness has aided me and so many others countless times.
Finally, I’ll be making my first trip this year to PNC Park tonight. While I fully expect to be apoplectic over the on-field product, I can’t wait to break out my new scorebook and have my first frosty beverage of the season on what should be a beautiful night for baseball. If you find yourself in the right field corner, be sure to say hello!
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ROB ULLMAN / DKPS[/caption]

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