Courtesy of Curtis Pharmacy

Site Stuff: Come get a Brick! ☕

We're giving away Lunatic Bricks.

Oh, sure, I could share that our whole staff will be on hand to welcome subscribers at our spectacular fifth anniversary celebration Tuesday, July 23, 6 p.m., at Highmark Stadium. And that we'll offer refreshments. And that there'll be a bunch of cool giveaways, courtesy of our business partners. And that we'll keep that night's Pirates game on all three of our TVs. And that the whole thing won't cost you a penny.

But none of that's really necessary, is it?

Not when there are Bricks to be had.

In our family's recent move from one part of the 15222 to another, we uncovered a huge box of the original blue Bricks, as seen below in this classic episode of the 'The Simpsons:'

And, of course, in this Drake video:

And way before either of those, that one time four years ago when my now-15-year-old boy built a fortress out of the very first shipment:

[caption id="attachment_852612" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Marko Kovacevic with Bricks in 2015. - DEJAN KOVACEVIC / DKPS[/caption]

So yeah, that's it. If we still owe you a Brick from a past purchase, come on down. If we owe you a Brick from a previous life, come on down. If we owe you a Brick, and you're anyone other than Dovydas Neverauskas, come on down.

Let's have some fun.

Taylor Haase has created a Facebook event page where you can let us know if you're coming or even if you're simply interested. It'll help us plan if you respond in any way.

Thanks in advance, and we all hope to see you!


We've been offering more content than ever, I hope you've noticed. And the goal hasn't been to flood the site, to put it mildly, but to  keep the wheels turning. We want you to want to tug on the app to refresh the home page. We want you to trust us to keep up with what's going on. We want you to feel like you've got a place to discuss these events as they occur.

Funny thing: Nothing's slowing down.

Although page views are up 33.47 percent from May to June -- all kinds of variables in there, but more content is one -- readers spent and average of 3:17 on a given page compared to 3:14, a slight increase. And while we did see a tiny decrease in the number of pages visited per session -- that's how often you'll open the app or site -- from 2.75 to 2.63, that's anything but an indicator of overload or fatigue.

The NHL Draft and the Penguins' subsequent moves really bolstered that. No matter how much Dave Molinari, Taylor Haase, Matt Sunday and I produced, it all kept getting read. And there was a lot.

I can't be certain what this means, but I'm struggling to find a negative.

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