We've had 61 unique users from Afghanistan in the past month.
It's easy to lose sight of a figure like that in the blur of information we can cull from Google Analytics, but it's amazing to me. Same goes for the 36 unique users in Iraq, and many others in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the Korean peninsula, throughout Europe and so many more places across the planet where our active U.S. military men and women are based.
I checked these out after last week's Site Stuff that introduced our latest military subscription drive -- a goal of 1,500 in 2020, -- and it got me to thinking about all the passionate, grateful emails and other outreaches I've received these past five-plus years from both active military and veterans ... and how my wife and I are usually the only ones who get to read them.
So let's change that right here: I'm asking anyone who's ever received one of these gifts from our readers, whether active military or veteran, to use the comments section below to share your experience. Tell us about yourself. Tell us how you got here, why you stayed, etc. Tell us whatever you'd like, actually. And thank you, as always, for your service.
To reiterate: Josh DeNinno, our great friend at Moon Golf Club, is challenging our subscribers to step up with 1,500 veteran subscription purchases in 2020, commemorating his club's 15th anniversary. And in the week since he's done so, our count is at 23, including a bulk purchase of 15 by Nick Shanayda in Washington state.
(UPDATE: We sold 29 more Saturday, including bulk purchases by Ron Vassel, Ronald DiFrango and Rhonda Weiland. So we're at a total of 52.)
We've obviously got a very long way to go, but here's how we'll get there:
1. We've reduced the cost of these to half-price, now $19.99 for an annual, as we've done with other gift subscriptions.
2. Moon Golf Club will match 30 of these each month.
Let's do this. Here's where. Or, if you’re interested in making a bulk donation the way Nick did, please email me directly: DK@DKPittsburghSports.com
All of the design work, all of the framework, all of the funding are complete. Now, it's just a matter of creating the thing, a process that'll began in earnest this past Monday. If all goes well, we'll have a ground-level beta version for testing by month's end.
Another thing to share: You'll see a lot of swipe.
Glancing at that display above, for example, when one pushes any of the five elements across the horizontal blue stripe -- ALL, BREW, GRIND, etc. -- everything that's below it will slide across to the left. (Or to the right, once you're navigating back.) The top story, or the Jared McCann mockup up there, will stay anchored while you do this, so you can always be aware of what we consider to be our main focus.
Think of it as a very active lower half to the app. That's where you go through all our material, at least at a glance. From there, once you thumb up, of course, that horizontal blue stripe just zips up to the top for easier use and display.
It's really easy, really smooth.
I can't wait for this. All of it.
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