This is the weekend I've been awaiting for quite a while, the one where this staff we've been growing and building for two months will finally come together.
As such, it feels like the right time to lay out for you the plan in place for how we'll collectively bring you the best coverage we can.
Breaking it down by writing beats:
• Steelers: It's Dale Lolley's beat. He'll be supported by Chris Carter on analysis, as well as assisting on news. Ramon Foster will bring what Ramon brings ... obviously, as his old coach might say. Tom Reed, our new features writer who starts Monday, has extensive NFL experience, and one of his first pieces for us will be ... oh, you'll see. And I'll be as involved in football as ever, which is to say a ton, beginning with sharing time at Heinz Field next week once training camp opens to media.
• Penguins: It's Dave Molinari's beat. He'll continue to be supported by Taylor Haase on analysis, as well as assisting on news and, of course, everything she's long offered on prospects, the system, NHL analytics, rules and salary cap issues. Tom's got just as much experience on the NHL as the NFL, so he'll be part of this, too, but likely not until the next season gets going. And I'll make all the Winnipeg trips.
• Pirates: It's Alex Stumpf's beat, and I hope you've appreciated the extent to which it's become that. He's got a long way to go to match the resumes of Dale and Dave -- most everyone in the industry does -- but he's working tirelessly to build his own name. He'll be supported by Noah Hiles, both at the ballparks and in other forms. These two are longtime close friends, and if you've heard their daily podcasts, you'll know that their passion and knowledge for baseball is through the roof. I'm really excited about this one. Baseball's not an easy beat to populate, for us or anyone, but I'm pumped about what these two can do for each other to make it work. Tom will get into this mix, too. And I'll show up just to take shots at the team's previous management.
• Pitt: It's Carter's beat, beginning Monday on a full-time basis. This is his primary responsibility. He'll still provide as much Steelers stuff as he always has here, but Pitt football and Pitt basketball come first. Tom and I will try to get involved here, as well, but the big three obviously will come first.
• Duquesne: It's Noah's beat. More details on this to come in a couple weeks, including how fans of the Dukes can become a big part of this.
There's a lot coming. From a lot of talented people.
I believe in this business, I believe in this staff we've assembled while similar businesses everywhere else have been cutting rather than adding, and I believe this plan, combined with our imminent new app, will serve our readers better than they've ever been served here.
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