See, it works a little like this ...
Even if your team's wide receivers run all their routes like Antonio Brown, it doesn't matter in the slightest if the quarterback stinks.
Even if your team's batting order is raking from Josh Harrison to Jordy Mercer, it doesn't matter in the slightest if the starting pitcher's serving up gopher balls.
Pekka Rinne stinks.
On ice.
So toss aside all other analysis of this Stanley Cup Final. Seriously, rip it up and pitch it in the can. Because there's absolutely nowhere to run, nowhere to hide if the individual manning the sport's most important position is playing poorly. And that, good citizens of our fair city, is precisely, painfully where the Penguins' opponents find themselves after this 4-1 throwdown of the Predators in Game 2 Wednesday night at PPG Paints Arena.
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