
Narduzzi on Twitter: See you at Heinz

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf earlier today posted a graphic of a map of the United States highlighting rising and falling coronavirus cases.

The color-coded graphic showed states experiencing a strong increase in cases (red), an increase (orange), a flat rate (yellow), a decrease (light green) and a strong decrease (dark green).

Pennsylvania was colored dark green, meaning a strong decrease in coronavirus cases. The data was through June 11.

"Pennsylvania’s measured, phased process to reopen has been successful.," Wolf posted. "We’ve relied on science and health experts and asked everyone to do something simple: Wear a mask when you go out in public. We'll continue to move forward cautiously."

It didn't take long for Pitt head football coach Pat Narduzzi and men's basketball coach Jeff Capel to offer encouragement on social media. Narduzzi went so far as to make a bold prediction.

While Pennsylvania is seeing a decrease in coronavirus cases, two states where Pitt plays road games -- Florida and North Carolina -- have seen a strong increase according to the graphic. The Panthers are at Miami (Oct. 3), Florida State (Oct. 31) and North Carolina (Nov. 14).

Capel took a more measured approach on Twitter.

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