
How to throw a party on someone else’s lawn, by Pittsburgh


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Storm the steps. - AIDAN SEMANCO / INSTAGRAM

One of my favorite traditions among Penguins fans is the storming of the National Portrait Gallery steps adjacent to the Capital OneĀ Arena after a defeat of the Capitals.

If you've never seen it in person, add it to your bucket list. It's fantastic.

It doesn't matter if it's the regular season or the playoffs, Penguins fans celebrate just the same. This has been tradition for nearly a decade and the number of fans on the steps grows every year. If the Penguins are leading at second intermission, you'll probably hear "See you on the steps?" from passing Penguins fans in the concourse. Everyone just knows.

It's pretty simple. The fans take over the steps across the street from the arena and torment Capitals fans with chants for about an hour. There's always the usual "LET'S GO PENS!", "D.C.'S OUR HOUSE!", "HOOOOOLTBY", or "CROSBY'S BETTER!", but because these are Pittsburgh fans, an occasional "Here we go Steelers, Here we go!" or "Let's go Bucs!" chant will break out.

Some people like to hit them with the "act like you've been there before" or remind them that it's just the regular season, but it's sports. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. They're having fun.

Here are some videos from the latest chapter:

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