Taylor Haase

Taylor Haase

TAYLOR HAASE, born and raised in Baltimore, covers the Penguins, the National Hockey League, and the Penguins' minor-league system and prospects for DK Pittsburgh Sports.

Background: Taylor graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2016 with a degree in Media & Communication Studies, Psychology, and a minor in American Studies. She previously interned with Monumental Sports & Entertainment (ownership group of the Washington Capitals, Wizards, and Mystics) and the Aberdeen Ironbirds (Short-Season A affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles), and worked with UMBC's Division I basketball teams.

Personal:Taylor moved to Pittsburgh after graduation and now lives in Ross Township. She's watched The Office in its entirety at least 10 times, and is going to win Survivor one day (whenever she gets around to trying out).

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